So now this officially its own domain for the next 2 years you guys are stuck with me. I am happy to report that the website is already uploaded in 4 different continents, and I have gotten one message... A spam email offering me giving them money for some pointless service I really don't need. But these are big things to this aspect of life for me. to think 6 months ago i was locked into a bad deal for a studio and workspace. All the years I hauled around 60 pound backpacks full of jewelry making materials and my whole store! Over ten years ago this journey started. And the process remains the same while at the same time all changed. I am eager to report to you guys that as soon as I have everything uploaded to the store we'll start working on new inventory where we're back to pushing the bounds of creation as always have. Now that this website is as together as it is I feel we can get back to the focus of creation. I thank everyone who has been a part of the journey up until now and am grateful for all those working with me behind the scenes, and on the future. I love you all!!!
Thanx, -N8